In Proceedings of HCI in Mobile Guides, in conjunction with Mobile HCI 2004, September 13, 2004, Glasgow, Scotland. 6 pages.
Cultural/Tourist mobile guides are becoming common aids to combine information transfer with a guidance service. Mobile guides for pedestrians provide their users with location-specific information, e.g. based on GPS coordinates. In certain situations the process of giving location-specific information is relatively static, such as in a city where the buildings and tourist sites are not likely to move over time. In a museum on the other hand, artifacts will move around the available area as exhibitions change. In this case information can not be related to a particular location but has to be related to the proximity of certain artifacts. Moreover, besides the proximity of physical objects there are also other parameters that constitute the context of use like the user profile, speed of the user, … In this paper, we propose ImogI, a mobile guide that incorporates context-sensitive user interfaces. We explain how the design of ImogI is inspired by ambient intelligent environments, and which parts of the system/tools have been realized up to now. ImogI explores the boundaries of context-driven adaptivity of the user interface, and therefore we conclude this paper with a description of the preliminary results of a formal user experiment.