Improving Intelligibility and Control in Ubicomp

Jo Vermeulen.
Presented by
Jo Vermeulen

In Ubicomp 2010 Doctoral Colloquium, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 26th - 29th, 2010, pp. 485-488.


Users often become frustrated when they are unable to understand and control a ubicomp environment. Previous work has suggested that ubicomp systems should be intelligible to allow users to understand how the system works and controllable to let users intervene when the system makes a mistake. In my thesis, I focus on novel user interfaces and interaction techniques to support intelligibility and control.



Related Publications

Jo Vermeulen, Geert Vanderhulst, Kris Luyten and Karin Coninx.
PervasiveCrystal: Asking and Answering Why and Why Not Questions about Pervasive Computing Applications.
To appear in Proc. of IE '10.
6 pages.
Jo Vermeulen, Jonathan Slenders, Kris Luyten and Karin Coninx.
I Bet You Look Good on the Wall: Making the Invisible Computer Visible.
To appear in Proc. of AmI '09.
pp. 196-205.
[~30% acceptance]
Jo Vermeulen, Geert Vanderhulst, Kris Luyten and Karin Coninx.
Answering Why and Why Not Questions in Ubiquitous Computing.
In Ubicomp '09 Supplemental Proceedings (Poster).
pp. 210-213.
[~58% acceptance; 36 submissions]