In the Proceedings of IE '10, the 6th International Conference on Intelligent Environments 2010, Monash University (Sunway Campus), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, July 19th - 21th, 2010. IEEE Xplore, ISBN:978-1-4244-7836-1 , pp. 271-276.
Users often become frustrated when they are unable to understand and control a ubiquitous computing environment. Previous studies have shown that allowing users to pose why and why not questions about context-aware applications resulted in better understanding and stronger feelings of trust. Although why and why not questions have been used before to aid in debugging and to clarify graphical user interfaces, it is currently not clear how they can be integrated into pervasive computing systems. We explain in detail how we have extended an existing pervasive computing framework with support for why and why not questions. This resulted in PervasiveCrystal, a system for asking and answering why and why not questions in pervasive computing environments.
Jo Vermeulen, Jonathan Slenders, Kris Luyten and Karin Coninx. I Bet You Look Good on the Wall: Making the Invisible Computer Visible. To appear in Proc. of AmI '09. pp. 196-205. [~30% acceptance] | |
Jo Vermeulen, Geert Vanderhulst, Kris Luyten and Karin Coninx. Answering Why and Why Not Questions in Ubiquitous Computing. In Ubicomp '09 Supplemental Proceedings (Poster). pp. 210-213. [~58% acceptance; 36 submissions] |