Answering Why and Why Not Questions in Ubiquitous Computing

Jo Vermeulen, Geert Vanderhulst, Kris Luyten, and Karin Coninx.
Presented by
Jo Vermeulen
Acceptance statistics
[~58% acceptance; 36 submissions]

In Ubicomp 2009 Supplemental Proceedings (Poster), Orlando, Florida, US, September 30th - October 3rd, 2009, pp. 210-213.


Users often find it hard to understand and control the behavior of a Ubicomp system. This can lead to loss of user trust, which may hamper the acceptance of these systems. We are extending an existing Ubicomp framework to allow users to pose why and why not questions about its behavior. Initial experiments suggest that these questions are easy to use and could help users in understanding how Ubicomp systems work.



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Jo Vermeulen, Geert Vanderhulst, Kris Luyten and Karin Coninx.
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6 pages.
Jo Vermeulen, Jonathan Slenders, Kris Luyten and Karin Coninx.
I Bet You Look Good on the Wall: Making the Invisible Computer Visible.
In Proc. of AmI '09.
pp. 196-205.
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