

Uiml.net is a free software UIML renderer. Prof. Dr Kris Luyten started the project in 2003. Uiml.net is written in C# and can render a UIML description using different widget sets and platforms. Supported toolkits include System.Windows.Forms, System.Windows.Forms on the Compact.NET framework and Gtk#.

I started working on Uiml.net when I did an internship at EDM in July, 2004. I ported Uiml.net to Windows (it used to run only on Linux with Mono) and implemented the System.Windows.Forms backend for the desktop and for Windows Mobile devices. During my Master's thesis I extended Uiml.net with support for layout constraints using the Cassowary.net constraint solver. I have guided two Bachelor's theses (Jan Meskens and Ingo Berben) and four Master's theses (Jan Meskens, Rob Van Roey, Neal Robben and Tijl Lathouwers) on improving the software.


A number of people have been involved with Uiml.net. Here is a list of colleagues that have worked on Uiml.net:

Students that have extended the renderer:

  • Ingo Berben
  • Rob Van Roey
  • Neal Robben
  • Tijl Lathouwers


The code for Uiml.net is available on Github.

Related Publications

Jan Meskens, Jo Vermeulen, Kris Luyten and Karin Coninx.
Gummy for Multi-Platform User Interface Designs: Shape me, Multiply me, Fix me, Use me.
In Proc. of AVI '08.
pp. 233-240.
[~27% acceptance; 117 submissions]
Jo Vermeulen, Yves Vandriessche, Tim Clerckx, Kris Luyten and Karin Coninx.
Service-interaction Descriptions: Augmenting Services with User Interface Models.
In Proc. of EIS '07.
pp. 447-464.
[~41% acceptance; 91 submissions]
Kris Luyten, Kristof Thys, Jo Vermeulen and Karin Coninx.
A Generic Approach for Multi-Device User Interface Rendering with UIML.
In Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces V, Proc. of CADUI '06.
pp. 175-182.